Christmas on the Water

Biloxi’s annual Christmas on the Water celebration kicks off the holiday season with a lighted boat parade and firework display held the first weekend in December.

Christmastime is a beautiful moment in the year where families come together, lights are lit, dinners are had, and gifts are given. There is a particular gift that is given each year to the people of our community by the hardworking sailors and shiprights of the Gulf Coast. Of course, I’m talking about Christmas on the Water. This storied tradition of boats parading through the Biloxi channel for all to see, now in its 39th year with us, brings warmth and cheer to everyone who ventures to see it on December 7th at 6pm in the Biloxi channel between the lighthouse and the Golden Nugget.

            “It’s a time of year when people don’t usually boat much.” Says Rusty David, Chairman of Christmas on the Water. “It brings people and their families together to have a reason to celebrate Christmas on their boat and put some Christmas lights up on it. It’s the only Christmas boat parade I know of that makes a full U-Turn where people in the parade get to see the parade.”

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